Product benefits

17 ( 4.2 )
Описание шаблона

The module implements the ability to add "Benefits" (a set of images and descriptions) for each product separately and then display them on the site.

Using this module, you can profitably show the benefits of different products, this has a positive effect on conversion, since the client can study the required product in more detail and place an order in your store.

To add benefits, you need to go to the product and add an image + description.

18.10.2022, 14:20
При установленном модуле, при внесении каких-то изменений на странице товара, ко всплывающей внизу кнопке "Применить" добавляется селект "Удалить"
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Web shop based on OkayCMS
Module cost:
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25 $
* Important! This module works correctly with the default template. In other templates, changes in files may be required for the module to work correctly. In this case, you need to write in those. support from the admin panel of your site, this work will be evaluated separately if you did not pay for the service of installing the module.
Payment methods
  • Cash upon receipt
  • Bank transfer


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